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  • Weighted Down Poem

    This is what I felt during my life group on February 1st. Holy Spirit showed me an image after the life group.

    Why do I am carrying more than I can handle?
    How much more can I walk? For how long?
    I struggle to take step after step after step.
    Will this burden ever lift off me?

    I keep tossing it with a light throw.
    It’s very easy to pick it back up
    Do I like to put myself down?
    Am I addicted to the feeling I get when I get weighted down?
    To feel press, stress, squeezed, and fatigue.

    Like auto-pilot, you get used to going through the routine.
    It’s all I know. And I’m tired of it being my norm for me.
    I can’t believe I can compare myself when my head is close to the ground.
    You struggle to accept your past, to misconfigure to be present, and to be unable to move forward to your future.

    When I carry such a heavy load on my shoulders?
    I can’t walk at ease anymore.
    I know life has its moments, but it wasn’t supposed to feel like this
    Why carry something I wasn’t supposed to carry

    How do I balance where I carry from to where I am going?
    Who would lift a burden so heavy that I can’t stand to see myself
    I’m ashamed of how huge it has become that it feels like a part of my body
    Attached and anchored so deeply that pulling won’t do any good

    Buried deep within the hidden cracks of my soul
    I need something bigger than you, and I
    Why continue to carry the pain, guilt, shame, the embarrassment
    Because Im afraid to commit to being uncomfortable, to work, to fight at something worth value
    Underneath is a gem so rare, raw, undefined
    That the world can’t see its beauty until you’re ready

    Are you ready to discover who you are?
    Are you ready to step into the light?
    You have been in the darkest valley for too long.
    Are you ready to unlock your potential? The key is waiting on you

    Becoming who you are meant to be can be unsettling
    You’re not used to seeing yourself healed
    Fixed with gold in between the flaws
    Being molded into something beautiful

    Walk in it; own it. Flaws and all
    Where you have, who you have hurt, and what hurt you do not determine who you will become
    Only One person can
    He has called you dearly loved and anointed

    So drop the weights where they are ad energetically cast all your shame, guilt, and hurt on Him.
    It’s time we step into this new season together
    Let’s go after better together!

  • Beautiful Nights: Friendship Poem

    Original Written: 12/18/21


    Beautiful nights like these

    We sing we laugh, we dance

    Not a care in the world

    The best unwritten moments anyone could ask for 







    Nobody more built for this than you

    You pray for friends like you

    That feels so close like glue

    Like family


    I prayed to God for sisters like you 

    He placed you and me in the right place,

    Right time,

    Right season.


    Beautiful nights like these 

    You never forget


    We sing we laugh, we dance

    Until we are no longer able to stand


    Beautiful nights like these 

    When you don’t know the right time to say goodbye


    In these nights

    You find your tribe,

    Your squad,

    Your sisters.


    The ones you never want to leave behind

    The ones you can tell anything too

    The sisters you feel the freest

    The most like your authentic self


    Thank you for nights like these

    This feeling will last a lifetime.



    This was inspired by my friends: Amy, Monique, and Terra. We have finished a end of the year celebration for the youth ministry. We stayed a couple of hours after it had ended; we made videos, singed and danced. 

    Friendship means so much to me. For a long time, I struggled with finding people  who cared about me. People who would not use just to get a grade and only looking to benefit themselves. I found authentic, genuine people who will pray for and build me up. And I will do the same. 


    If you struggled to find authentic friends, here are a few things to keep in mind:

        1. Keep an open mind. 
        2. Don’t force bonds to occur. If they are not putting effort into the relationship, don’t push it. 
        3. They may have a different ethnicity or religious background than you are used to.
        4. Pray to God that He will provide positive and healthy friends to you.
        5. Don’t try to change yourself to fit somewhere you weren’t intended to fit.
  • Don’t Apologize

    I wrote this poem during an interaction I had with an hispanic woman who was speaking Spanish to her mother we were leaving the doctor’s office. She apologized to me for speaking to her mother. 

    Don’t Apologize for your size.

    Nobody’s shape is the same.

    Don’t apologize for the way you look.

    You can make your own beauty expectations.

    Don’t apologize for speaking or learning a different language.

    Do you know how many people you can help and connect with?

    Don’t apologize for your voice.

    Your tone can inspire, change, and move a community to be the best they can be and to be positive.

    Don’t apologize for your religion.

    We are all trying to live by our practices and standards to be a respectable, kind, and lovable. person.

    Don’t apologize for your race.

    One skin tone is not superior over another skin tone.

    Being an unkind person will not help be successful in life;

    Because we are not made to do life alone. So do not let negative words pierce your positive vibes.

    Remember we have several ways to interact and connect with the people of the world.

    Regardless of loss of one or more sense, abnormal  brain development, missing a limb, etc.

    We can train our brains to adapt and motivate, respond and react positively towards people who do not like ourselves.

    So, DO NOT apologize for who you are.

    The world is beautiful with you in it!

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