I would like to lighten up the mood since we are stuck in quarantine. I am going to discuss my trip to New York this past summer.
Long Drive
My dad picked me up on Saturday, July 20th, 2019 around 7:30 AM. I was excited because I thought it would be a father-daughter trip up to New York. Once we settled in the car, we got breakfast at Chick-Fil-A , and he decided to tell me that we were going to pick up his friend, Kim. Great mood killed. It would have been nice if my dad told me this information the day before or ,even better, let me meet the lady he wanted to bring along for the ride. My dad should know that it takes a while for me to warm up to strangers, especially since I am an introvert and have social anxiety. Well Kim was from Long Island and my dad wanted to give her a dad. Of course, Kim started a conversation and she asked me so many questions. I knew what she was trying to do. She was to be my friend. I quickly answered her questions so I could enjoy the slient car ride to New York.
Arrival to New York
About nine years later, we finally arrived to Manhattan , NY. I could not believe it. Seeing all the tall buildings, looking at all the extravagant broadway and theatre signs, passing Times Square and many other iconic sites. I was a dream come true.

My dad told me that we were going to stay in Long Island since it was an around 30 minutes to get to Manhattan. We arrived at Kim’s aunt and uncle house. I was singing “hallelujah”! I thought we would drop her and we would not have to see her, well… ever. My dad and I would send time in a nice hotel away from her. I found it odd that she kept explaining how houses in the area did not have a central Ac/heating unit. Was she trying to do trivia with me of or something? It didn’t click until later on why she said what she said. Anway, we went to eat dinner at Ruby Tuesday. My dad decided to drop another bomb on me. We were going to stay with Kim and her family.
I panicked. I felt really uncomfortable with the idea of staying with a stranger and her family. I rushed to the bathroom and I sat on the bathroom for a few seconds. I called my mother and told her about the situation. It was so bad that I started to cry. My breathing was beginning to get faster and unsteady. All this happened, while I was on the phone with my mom. She help keeps me calm when I get like this. She told me that I had no choice but to talk to my dad. She was in NC. She had no way of reaching. I had to put on my “big girl” pants and tell him that it would me nice to stay in a hotel.
When I returned from the bathroom, and I tried to tell him that we should stay at a hotel. But that didn’t happen. I started to cry again, my breathing was shaky, the whole nine yards. So, my dad took me outside so I could practice my breathing exercises to calm my nerves and relieve my panic state. I try to tell my dad that I was uncomfortable I was but he said that they were nice. You can’t pull that card with someone who has social anxiety.
Kim suggested I go inside the rom and get a feel for it. I told her that my asthma might act up if I get too hot. So, I said i would “try it, even though I made up my mind that I was going to stay at a hotel. After we finished dinner, Kim asked the waiter for our bill. She got upset that the meals were on one bill instead of two. Like she was going to pay the bill. My dad was paying for the three of us. Kim recommend we get up and leave. This was my reaction:
Why would you want to do a dine and dash. This whole scenario reminded me of a certain family member.
What a “fantastic” night.
And Long story short, we ended up staying at a hotel.
First Broadway Show!
I convinced my dad that we should see the Lion King on Broadway. I already saw the show once with my mother when they came to DPAC (Durham Performing Arts Center). It was the best time to see it since I saw the live-action version on Friday, July 19th with my mom and aunt. As it was getting close to show call, I reminded my dad that if I cry that I was going to okay. Before the show, we brought some merch to commemorate the moment. When the person who played, Rafiki, first came out and hit the high note, the one that gives you chills. It brought tears not only to my eyes but my dad eyes as well. Of course the show was phenomenal. Latered, I asked my dad why he cried. He told me that the way Rafiki moved and singed jogged his memory of his grandmother. “It was as if he was looking at a spirit” minus the stage makeup. This is something I will always remember. I can officially say I saw the Lion King with both my parents. After the show, we walk around the some more and I found LINE store! I took a picture with the character, Brown. We ate Panda express and went to the hotel to wrap up a beautiful day!
That's a Big Oreo
The was the “last” day I would be in New York before we leave to go to New Jersey. My dad took me the biggest Macy’s store. We went to several different stores to buy clothes. We made a Target run because it started to run and I left my rain gear in the car. Once, the rain stop we went to look for something to eat. One of my old classmates recommended Black Tap Restaurant. I’m happy my classmate to me about this place. Their burgers were fantastic. Their desserts were even better. My dad and I had to split the oreo milkshake and it even came with a great oreo. Super delicious! Great way to end dinner. As we were walking back to the car, it started to rain cats and dogs again. Finally, we made it to the parking garage. We ended the night by driving in rain, while passing Chinatown and listening to the slow jams. The next morning, we would be heading to another destination– New Jersey!